Library Updates Related to COVID-19/Coronavirus

Message from the Library District Board of Trustees:

We, the Board of Trustees of the Clear Creek Library District (CCCLD), thank you for your patience and understanding in this time of COVID-19 with respect to the operations of the libraries. For the last eight months, the monthly meetings of the board have been dominated by discussing the “when” and “how” of the opening of library services. The plans are discussed on how to proceed for the next month and are unanimously agreed to by the seven-member Board and the Library District Director. The major consideration is the safety of the library staff and patrons. The staff has done a great job of increasing internet offerings and operating the curbside service. The next step of requiring an appointment to visit the library will be started shortly. The traditional library service of books has been met. Unfortunately, the services of providing time in the libraries for the kids after school and other group activities are much more difficult to achieve to maintain disinfected surfaces, social distancing, and enforcing mask-wearing. Please bear with us as we carefully consider each next step.
Dick Woods

President, Board of Trustees

We are working hard to provide resources while we are closed. Please let us know if you have material suggestions. Stay posted for updates.

If you need to contact us, submit the Contact Us form or call us in Georgetown at 303-569-2620 or in Idaho Springs at 303-567-2020.

Resources to Learn about COVID-19/Coronavirus

Current National Information:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Institutes of Health

World Health Organization

Current State Information:

Colorado State COVID-19 Website
Up-to-date information from the State of Colorado, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the CDC and local public health agencies. You can find testing centers, you can report your symptoms, information pertaining to self-isolation/quarantine best practices, and resources for additional assistance (financial, housing or otherwise).

Colorado State Public Health & Executive Orders
Stay up to date with the current and updated public health and executive orders.

Colorado State “About COVID-19”
Find helpful things to remember, information about how COVID-19 spreads, symptoms and severity, information specific to higher-risk populations and more.

Current Local Information:

Clear Creek County COVID-19 Information Page
Find CCC Press Releases and up-to-date local information here. Other resources include a module for self reporting of COVID symptoms, public health orders, local resources and volunteer opportunities, current local and state data, business resources and more.

Clear Creek County “Local Resources” Page
This page offers information on local business resources and government assistance programs (such as food distribution schedules). Here you can find: mental health/family/counseling resources, public service and transportation updates, info and resources for renters and property owners, consumer warnings/safety tips and volunteer opportunities.

Clear Creek County “How to Help” Page
Visit the “How to Help” page on the Clear Creek County website to find information about the process for donating food and/or financial support as well as how to sign up as a volunteer.

Clear Creek County Alert Center
Clear Creek County’s Alert Center webpage consolidates all alerts and emergency communications in the County. You can even subscribe to receive instant notifications, from a variety of different topics.
To receive the County Commissioner’s meeting agendas and other updates from the County offices via email, contact to be added to the subscription list.

City of Idaho Springs COVID-19 Site
Idaho Springs-specific updates can be found here. Information on financial assistance opportunities as well as morning and weekly reports from the Mayor and the City Administrators.

Idaho Springs Community Resources
The resources provided here are largely in response to the impact survey that the City of Idaho Springs conducted. Find information and resources that relate to the personal and professional impacts that have been reported, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

Town of Georgetown COVID-19 Updates
Georgetown-specific updates with links to the Governor’s orders and other executive orders that affect the Town of Georgetown. To subscribe to the Town of Georgetown’s weekly email (with tons of updates and current information), email your request to be added to: You can also call 303-569-2555 ext. 2.

Silver Plume/People of Plume Newsletter subscription: email to be added to the list.

Town of Empire
Updates can be found on the door at town hall, posted on the bulletin at the Post Office and also sent via Postal Service direct delivery. You can find archived newsletters on the website here. For additional information, you can reach Town Hall at 303.569.2978.

Original Closure Statement

For health and safety reasons related to COVID-19, Clear Creek County Library District will be closing our library branches (Idaho Springs Public Library, John Tomay Memorial Library, and the Local History Archives) starting Saturday, March 14 and until further notice. We hope to resume our normal services on Monday, March 30, but may need to adjust plans based on public health recommendations at that time. Please take advantage of library resources available online from the comfort of your home. We’ll continue to post updates via email, our website, social media platforms, and paper notices on library doors.

Stay safe! We love our patrons and thank everyone for helping to keep our community safe and healthy.