Event Series ISPL-Virtual Reality

ISPL-Virtual Reality

Explore new worlds and great games at our virtual reality sessions for tweens and teens (ages 12 years and older). Registration is required. Please email heather@cccld.org to learn more and

Family Movie Matinee

The Old School 809 Taos Street, Georgetown, CO, United States

Join us at the Georgetown Old School for family movie night--FROZEN Sing-along. Movie, sing-along, and snacks and hot drinks. OPTIONAL CRAFT starting at 2:00 pm. Contact chris@cccld.org for additional information.

JTML-Tween Beach Party

John Tomay Memorial Library 605 6th Street, Georgetown, CO, United States

Join us for a Tween Beach Party at the John Tomay Memorial Library. Food, games, activities and prizes! Ages 11+, FREE! REGISTRATION REQUIRED please email Chris at chris@cccld.org by Monday,

ISPL-Quill & Spill

Idaho Springs Public Library 219 14th Avenue, Idaho Springs, CO, United States

Need some help plotting? Stuck in the middle? Join us for any or all six Quill & Spill sessions at the Idaho Springs Public Library to discuss your project, share

Event Series JTML-Virtual Reality

JTML-Virtual Reality

John Tomay Memorial Library 605 6th Street, Georgetown, CO, United States

Explore new worlds and great games at our virtual reality sessions for tweens and teens (ages 12 years and older). Registration is required. Please email heather@cccld.org to learn more and

Event Series ISPL-Virtual Reality

ISPL-Virtual Reality

Explore new worlds and great games at our virtual reality sessions for tweens and teens (ages 12 years and older). Registration is required. Please email heather@cccld.org to learn more and

ISPL – STEAM LuvBug Coding

Idaho Springs Public Library 219 14th Avenue, Idaho Springs, CO, United States

Explore beginning coding and a fun coding craft for Valentine's fun! Please bring your Chromebook so you can work on your projects at home! Snack included. 12 kids max; 4th-5th-6th

Event Series ISPL Monster Mash Party

ISPL Monster Mash Party

Idaho Springs Public Library 219 14th Avenue, Idaho Springs, CO, United States

Wolf down faboolous treats, play spooky games, and learn silly monster dances! Huge thanks to Tommyknocker Brewery for donating refreshments.

Event Series JTML-Virtual Reality

JTML-Virtual Reality

John Tomay Memorial Library 605 6th Street, Georgetown, CO, United States

Explore new worlds and great games at our virtual reality sessions for tweens and teens (ages 12 years and older). Registration is required. Please email heather@cccld.org to learn more and